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- Top Food Group

Address: Industrielaan 2, 9320 Erembodegem-Aalst
Phone: +32/(0)53 85 35 33
E-mail: info@topfoodgroup.be
Website: www.topfoodgroup.be
Top Food Group consists of two key players in the Belgian-Luxembourg foodservice market; Oresto Food Partners and Resto-Frit cvba. The two groups form a strong and complementary partnership thanks to their extensive product assortments and wide coverage of key customer groups.
Interfrost Foodservice is pleased to announce that it was relaunched as Oresto Food Partners on 4 October 2016. Our new website www.orestofoodpartners.be has all the latest information and a video about the development of the group and our Food Partners.
Supplies a large number of middle to upper end restaurants, brasseries and hotels, as well as sandwich shops and industrial kitchens.
Is a large player in the snacks, brasseries, taverns, events and leisure sectors.
These three partners have a shared focus on quality products and specialise in personalised customer service. They provide their clients with a broad spectrum of products, ranging from chilled fresh to frozen foods and non-food. 80% of Top Food Group sales is delivered to the client direct and 20% is through Cash and Carry.
With a joint revenue of €532M Top Food Group is the largest Belgian supplier to the Horeca and foodservice industry.