The European Foodservice wholesaler group

Generate synergies. Enjoy benefits.
As the world becomes ever more globalised and interlinked, the need to develop synergies and benefits from strategic partnerships grows accordingly.
Today, local and national foodservice distributors are increasingly faced with competition from international businesses aiming to conquer their markets with competitive standardized offerings across borders.
However, these big international businesses have a major deficit! They are not organically established within the regions, know little about the specific conditions of the areas, rarely have any longstanding personal contact with their customers and can offer less individuality and flexibility.
Customized service and advice are exactly what makes regional foodservice distributors, which have developed over decades, so strong and indispensable.
Mighty lone fighters. An unbeatable team.
ECD’s philosophy can be explained quickly and clearly. March alone – profit together as a family! True to this motto several powerful national foodservice distributors from all over Europe have joined into the ECD family to be equipped for the challenges posed by a competitive international market.
An essential factor is the ability of each ECD member to maintain its independence and not be subject to a corporate structure. While, on a local level, each ECD member benefits from its own particular strengths and can offer a very personalized service, ECD members profit from a wide range of international competent independent foodservice distributors
and share experiences with one another. Most of all, the ECD family operates as the biggest European foodservice player for international clients looking for a single point of contact and with a tailor-made approach for each market if desired.
Hence, membership of the ECD family means every single member enjoys definite and tangible advantages. Each member is provided with constant valuable business information, has access to good conditions of ECD suppliers, the latest trends, and can think and act on a larger scale as part of a large network. The key advantage is the continuous transfer of know-how and development of projects for the good of members.

Think bigger. Profit more.
We all profit from each other and provide mutual inspiration. Even if we operate in different markets, there are plenty of parallels and issues in common. It is profitable for the ECD family to gain a wealth of international know-how that can be used locally by each individual operation. We say: Act collectively – benefit individually!
However, we are not sitting back on our laurels. We are constantly striving to develop and become an even more powerful family. We are always open to new members in new markets within this industry to strengthen our position in the market further.