
Address: Bahndamm 4, D-31547 Rehburg-Loccum
Phone: +49 (0) 50 37/ 3 01-0

Variety of dairy products from frischli: the right solution for any application

The frischli Milchwerke offer a high-quality range of whipping cream, chef’s cream, and other dairy products for the international food service market.

As one of the most modern and best-performing dairies in Germany, frischli is an important player in the food service market and known for its high-quality desserts and dairy products, which are at home in all areas of food service. The high-quality range of dairy includes whipping cream and chef’s cream in various fat content levels and container sizes, ice bases, plain and fruity sour milk products, milk and desserts in a variety of packaging solutions. These products optimally meet the needs of this target group in terms of hygiene requirements and practical handling in professional kitchens. Almost all products can be stored without refrigeration for at least 6 months due to their special heating process and particularly fulfil the HACCP requirements for maximum product safety. Additionally to UHT quality, there is with Gastro frischli a wide range of fresh dairy products to cover any customer needs. Since 2021, frischli has also been offering a modern, plant-based range with a variety of oat-based desserts and milk alternatives.

The company not only offers high-quality product solutions in German-speaking countries, but is also well positioned internationally and collaborates with customers from many countries.

With a total of 1,000 employees, the company achieves a sales volume of approximately 800 million euros per fiscal year.

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