
Address: Luise-Rainer-Straße 7, 40235 Düsseldorf, Gemany
Phone: +49 (0) 151 421 294 08

Our history and our passion for milk begins in 1871. That year, dairy farmers decided to join forces in local cooperative dairies. This way, they could strengthen their market position and ensure the sale of their milk. Today, we are one of the world's largest dairy companies. Every day, we supply millions of consumers around the world with valuable nutrients from milk. Not just from the milk itself, but with all kinds of dairy products that we make from milk.

Our Purpose, Our Plan
Our company purpose is to be inherently nourishing. In everything we do, we strive to feed the world better and enable our dairy farmers to live well, for today and for generations to come. This is our compass and the foundation of our strategy, Our Purpose, Our Plan.

We offer our consumers a wide range of products such as milk, yoghurt, cheese and desserts, as well as baby food. We also offer ranges for professional users, such as cream and butter products or ingredients and semi-finished products for manufacturers of baby food, the food industry and the pharmaceutical sector. We have locations in 32 countries, export to more than 100 countries worldwide and employ around 22,000 people.

Achieving more together
As in 1871, our dairy farmers play an essential role in everything we do. Our company is 100 percent owned by Zuivelcoöperatie FrieslandCampina U.A., with around 16,000 dairy farmers in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. This means that our dairy farmers are co-owners of our company through the cooperative and are represented on the board of directors.

Our dairy farmers therefore benefit directly from good results. As independent entrepreneurs, they work hard to deliver milk of the best quality.

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