GV Food Union

gv food union GmbH
Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Straße 2
77656 Offenburg
Telefon: +49 781 616 133

GV Food Union GmbH is an initiative of Service-Bund and INTERGAST. With about 160 sites in Germany the members of GV Food Union are closer to the client than any other competitor. GV Food Union is the focal point for industry and commerce and with this an important element in the process of cooperation between the members and the suppliers. It is the aim of GV Food Union to tap the full potential in cooperation with the industry to achieve the best possible development.


Service-Bund is a group of wholesalers who distribute a wide range of food-assortment

Service-Bund was founded in 1973.  Today, with numerous locations across Germany, Service-Bund supports chefs nationally and locally. Through partnerships we aim to understand your business and be able to respond to your individual and often unexpected needs:

Innovation and creative thinking is a cornerstone of our support for our customers in their day to day business. The personal Service-Bund consultants are on-hand and committed, available to the customers all day. everyday. That applies to all Service-Bund partners. For us customer satisfaction is our top priority.

Through building our relationships, we can develop ideas hand in hand. Not just recipe suggestions and products - but strategies for your long term success.

We embrace this challenge. We offer more than just groceries. We advise as a partner and are always at hand. Whether at customer workshops, at trade fairs or special events like Campus for culinary friends. Come along and join us anytime! Establishing personal relationships with our staff and customers is a priority of ours.

Short notice deliveries is a specialism of ours. We are flexible and able to respond quickly to often unexpected needs in the spirit of hospitality. 

Every one of us plays a crucial role in the company: We build long term partnerships and share common aims and goals. With a willingness to constantly adapt and innovate, we create steady and sustainable growth.  We know that with the creative power of every single employee, we can achieve anything.

Service-Bund sees hospitality as borderless and recognised early the need for a European wide cooperation and therefore created ECD – European Catering Distributors – together with partners in several European countries.



INTERGAST is the food-service company and the service headquarter of 43 member companies. We supply gastronomy, hotel industry and communal catering with a full assortment, focusing on regional and fresh food. The national assortment of more than 3.000 articles represents the base assortment and is complemented by the regional range of goods through the member companies at 100 locations.

Comprehensive Network
INTERGAST National is a competent and central contact for national and nationwide operating customers and shopping associations. INTERGAST National regulates and organizes the entire process.

Catering Management System
À la carte - Food & Beverage is the catering management system and takes care of everything from the merchandise management about the menu creation up to the order and calculation.

The webshop and all the important LMIV-information are provided in the INTERGAST Mall. Orders 24 hours a day, personal purchase lists, standing orders as well as information and participation in topical actions. With Touch&Order it is also possible to buy mobile with the iPad.

Facts & Figures

  • 121 depots
  • 123,000 customers
  • 1350 trucks
  • 96.000m² dry storage
  • 27.000m² cold store
  • 41.000m² frozen storage
  • 700 delivery vehicles
  • € 3851 mil sales
slash Members slash GV Food Union